Convert XLS to SQL
Sometimes users need to convert XLS to SQL but do not have a dedicated tool to do the conversion, or the price of this tool is too high. Advanced XLS Converter is a remarkably accurate XLS converter that produces SQL outputs instantly and without any learning curve. Advanced XLS Converter supports batch conversion, handles extremely large databases and allows you to customize output settings to your requirements.
Advanced XLS Converter allows you convert a single excel file or folder with excel files to sql format from GUI or command line.
1. Select the XLS (Excel) file or select folder with xls files for batch conversion.
2. Select the output SQL file or folder for SQL files

3. Preview, select options for sorting, filtering data (if necessary)
You can also select/unselect columns, set order for columns.

4. Select options for SQL format: SQL Syntax (MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL), rows delimiter (if necessary), and click "Finish"

XLS to SQL Command Line
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Advanced XLS Converter\xlscnv.exe file.xls file.sql [/ORACLE | /MYSQL | /MSSQL | /POSTRGRESQL | /FILTER | /COLUMNS | /COLUMNSLIST | /REVERSE]
Convert XLS to Oracle script
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Advanced XLS Converter\xlscnv.exe" sample.xls sample.sql /ORACLE
Convert only two columns from XLSX to MySQL
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Advanced XLS Converter\xlscnv.exe" sample.xlsx sample.sql /COLUMNS:NAME,STREET /MYSQL
Convert folder with XLS files to MS SQL
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Advanced XLS Converter\xlscnv.exe" d:\base\*.xls d:\out\ /MSSQL /TOSQL
Convert XLS tables to MySQL
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Advanced XLS Converter\xlscnv.exe" d:\base\*.xls d:\out\ /MYSQL /TOSQL
Using command "GO"
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Advanced XLS Converter\xlscnv.exe" d:\base\*.xls d:\out\ /MYSQL /TOSQL /GO
Convert tables to PostgreSQL
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Advanced XLS Converter\xlscnv.exe" d:\base\*.xls d:\out\ /POSTRGRESQL /TOSQL
Do you need more options for SQL format ?
Please don't hesitate to Contact Us.